Traction Energy Settlement & Data Exchange experts group - IRS 90930 Maintenance - Phase 3 (Maintenance phase 2)

Project information

  • Acronym: TES 3
  • Traction Energy Settlement & Data Exchange experts group - IRS 90930 Maintenance - Phase 3 (Maintenance phase 2)
  • Sector: Rail System Forum/Sustainability
  • Project start date: 01/01/2024
  • Duration: 36 months
  • Project director: Jean-Michel Evanghelou
  • Project manager: Philippe Stefanos
  • Status: ongoing project
  • Project code: 2024/RSF/846

Project description

IRS 90930 was introduced to replace the 2009 UIC 930 leaflet, aligning with the latest ERA Technical Specifications for Interoperability (TSI) and CENELEC norm (EN 50463). This adjustment was necessary due to the direct impact these norms had on the UIC 930 Leaflet. The IRS 90930 aids Railway Undertakings and Infrastructure Managers in efficiently monitoring traction energy consumption data, thereby improving energy efficiency of train operations. The creation of IRS 90930 in Phase 1 involved a team of experts known as the IRS 90930 working group or the “Traction Energy Settlement” (TES) Experts group.

IRS 90930 contributes to the long-term deployment of Energy Metering Systems (EMS). As railway alignment and common best practices evolve, continuous adjustments to this IRS and its appendices are necessary, as demonstrated in Phase 2 with the proposal of an addendum and updated appendices. These enhancements to IRS 90930 aid in identifying energy efficiency improvements and enable efficient and accurate energy invoicing. The project now moves from Phase 2 (2021-2023) to Phase 3 (2024 -2026), continuing its formal progression.

Project objectives

The Traction Energy Settlement Experts working group (WG) has identified three key areas for ongoing work to keep IRS 90930 and its appendices current: operational issues, implementation, and development of the IRS. Operational issues encompass case discussions about deviations or problems experienced in operations, updates of operational data, and the production, availability, and use of master data.

Implementation involves addressing problems or sharing good practices experienced during the start-up and use of functionality described in IRS, implementing exchanges of information and data between roles and functions, and managing interactions between roles of different parties. It also includes the introduction of new entrants to the market.

Development, the third aspect, includes the potential introduction of new functionality in IRS 90930 or other UIC documents, and potential changes to the content or scope of IRS 90930. If the project is not completed, several risks may arise. These include additional work needed to resolve billing conflicts as different Infrastructure Managers might impose different rules, leading Railway Undertakings to handle different billing regimes with gaps and duplications.

Unrealized savings in energy management may occur if energy billing is not accurate, especially for international traffic. Data accuracy issues may also arise due to unclear definition of roles and responsibilities, leading to problems in commercial use, exchange, accessibility, and availability of data. Therefore, modifications should be verified and validated by each participant to ensure proper data updates.

Project structure

Since the publication of IRS 90930, the Working Group (WG) has been continuously addressing the deployment of Energy Measurement Systems and energy use settlement aspects. This has been achieved through numerous sharing sessions and discussions aimed at harmonizing data exchange and settlement processes. The result was the publication of an addendum to the IRS, alongside updates to Appendices A and E. In practice, the WG meets regularly, typically once a month online, to address pending issues. Additionally, one or two physical meetings are held annually to delve into deeper topics. The responsibility of hosting these in-person meetings is rotated among the group participants, who provide meeting rooms in their offices or other suitable locations.

The maintenance phase continues, following the initially expressed needs categorised as operational issues, implementation, and development. Operational issues require continuous communication, which has been partially addressed through workgroup meetings. Due to the growth of systems and parties involved, annual or bi-annual face-to-face meetings are needed, with web meetings added as necessary. Implementation involves coordination and knowledge sharing in the first 3-5 years after IRS publication. Annual or bi-annual face-to-face meetings are recommended, supplemented by web meetings for specific problems or topics. Development involves the exploration and structuring of new elements or improvements in the IRS or related documents. These issues are handled individually, with their own timelines and meeting plans adapted to the complexity of the issue and expectations for resolution. For each type of issue, procedures are in place to identify and examine problems, define common solutions, and discuss new possibilities and improvements related to the IRS.

Project members

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Friday 31 May 2024