RIC/A Special Group

The RIC/A (Regolamento Internazionale delle Carrozze / dei Treni Automotori) Special Group and its Secretariat, which is attached to the UIC Passenger Department, administers the RIC and RIA Agreements. These agreements govern the exchange and use of coaches and selfpropelled units in international traffic, subject of the RIC since 1922. These agreements, which take the form of a multilateral contract, describe the responsibilities of the actors involved (RUs and keepers) in the said exchange and must be continuously adapted to allow the reciprocal use of passenger coaches or self-propelled units in international traffic. To ensure this, experts draw up amendments, which are put to the vote at the General Assembly of the RIC/A. The agreements, updated by any new amendments, are published and enter into force each January. Access is limited to RIC and RIA members only.

To facilitate the exchange of passenger trains, RUs apply the ATI Agreement (also administered within RIC/A). This agreement between RUs (RIC members) allows for the delivery of trains so that this rolling stock may be waived for the technical acceptance examination. This advantage is based on the membership of an RU (accepted by its exchange partners) and the assessment of the quality management system (QMS), making it possible to determine the level of quality per member compared to the trains exchanged.

The QMS is an integral part of the RIC and RIA Agreements and is based on ISO 2859. This QMS is stipulated by Regulation (EU) 2018/762 and Directive (EU) 2016/798 to comply with safety rules. With the aim of integrating the digitised technology of the QMS, RUs are gradually developing the implementation of common software from the year 2020. This implementation strategy offers the following benefits:

  • A representative overview of the level of quality achieved by an RU or a vehicle
    keeper for the entire fleet exchanged under RIC or RIA rules
  • Compliance with the control process defined in the QMS, as the controller is
    supported on identical software
  • Identical inventory report and display of results, common to all members
  • Timely notification to all members in case of serious defects on vehicles

The software testing phase carried out by a few RUs shows that the application is
working properly. The validation of the test phase will make it possible to define the
necessary software adjustments. After the test phase and on the contractual basis of UIC and the provider of this service from the ÖBB, the generalisation of this software to all members of the RIC/A SG can be developed. The goal is that this generalisation will start for the next schedule change in December 2021.

Internal Regulations of the RIC/A Special Group

The version in French, German and English are provided by UIC. In case of divergence of interpretation, the French version of the IR RIC/A agreement is authentic. Access only for RIC/A members.

RIC agreements

The official versions in French, German and English are provided by UIC. In case of divergence of interpretation, the French version of the RIC agreement is authentic. Access only for RIC signatories and RIC/A members.

  1. RIC Agreement 2021 de
  2. RIC Agreement 2021 fr
  3. RIC Agreement 2021 en

RIA agreements

The official versions in French, German and English are provided by UIC. In case of divergence of interpretation, the French version of the RIC agreement is authentic. Access only for RIA signatories and RIC/A members.

  1. RIA Agreement 2021 de
    Vereinbarung über den Austausch und die Benutzung der Reisezugwagen im internationalen Verkehr (German)
  2. RIA Agreement 2021 fr
    Accord sur l’échange et l’emploi des voitures voyageurs en trafic international (French)
  3. RIA Agreement 2021 en
    Agreement governing the exchange and the use of coaches in international traffic (English)

Company versions

The translations into other national languages is published on the UIC website but UIC bears no liability for them, all liability being borne by the authors.

RICSInitials Company NameCompany versions
00 83 TI Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane – Trenitalia S.p.A.

RIC Signatories

  • Simplified list of RIC signatories
  • annexe_anlage_appendix_i_ric_01_01_2017.pdf

RIA Signatories

  • Simplified list of RIA signatories


Mr. Jozef FAZIK Senior Advisor, Head of Bureau SG RIC/A,
fazik at uic.org

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